spasmodicaBecause we like to.

Waddle With
Fish Friend

Waddle is a pinstriped penguinist bred to tolerate global climate change. The experiment went slightly awry when he developed profound compassion towards fish, especially Fish Friend (who he carries everywhere in his backpack). Please, Waddle will not speak of his days in “The Lab.”

Waddle was actually inspired by this real-life penguin who goes to the fish market wearing a penguin backpack.

Waddle debuted as an exhibit piece in the Medical Experiments in Plush toy show. He comes with a backpack accessory, which holds his dear fish friend. Both pieces are detachable. Each doll is handmade and no two are exactly alike!

Price: $68
Includes U.S. shipping!

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Waddle With Fish Friend doll (front)
Waddle With Fish Friend doll (back)

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All text and images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright 2003 to the present by Grace Montemar.