spasmodicaBecause we like to.

Dogafunt | Winger | Octofred | Jacques Heepoe | Windy | Clawra | Chestaire | Frump | Rotinom | George | Squirmy | Mr. X | Brock | Catper | Herbert | Harry | Gertie | Fofolokkins | Bicupid | Kili-Kili | Meouch | Smoosh | Octofred's Cousin | LouSid | Yugison | Nastasiya | Mark | Waddle


LouSid is a liar without meaning to be one. She annoyingly agrees with people way too much, and hardly stands up for herself. It's not easy being this transparent, but LouSid sees no other way.

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All text and images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright 2003 to the present by Grace Montemar.