spasmodicaBecause we like to.

Dogafunt | Winger | Octofred | Jacques Heepoe | Windy | Clawra | Chestaire | Frump | Rotinom | George | Squirmy | Mr. X | Brock | Catper | Herbert | Harry | Gertie | Fofolokkins | Bicupid | Kili-Kili | Meouch | Smoosh | Octofred's Cousin | LouSid | Yugison | Nastasiya | Mark | Waddle

Mr. X

Mr. X (he won't reveal his first name or even his last for that matter) generally sports a poopy mood. He's known for often saying the phrase "I'm coming out!" upon leaving his tunnel dwelling, but we're not exactly sure why.

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Mr. X


All text and images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright 2003 to the present by Grace Montemar.